Your hearing is clearly an important thing to take care of, and the good news is there are numerous ways you can do this. Of course, hearing loss does still happen, and this is something you should always speak to an audiologist about to get a diagnosis and treatment, as well as information about hearing devices, but the more you can do to maintain good hearing health, the better. With this in mind, read on for some tips that will help you achieve your hearing health goals.

Get Your Hearing Checked

One of the best ways to ensure your hearing health is always taken good care of is to arrange a regular – ideally annual – check-up with an audiologist. When you do this, your hearing can be tested, and if there are any signs of hearing loss, your options can be explored earlier rather than later. The sooner you start getting help for your hearing loss, the less disruption it will bring to your life. Even if you don’t have hearing loss, you can receive plenty of advice and information about hearing health from your audiologist during this visit.

It’s likely you regularly have your eyesight tested, and you’ll see your dentist and doctor for an annual examination. Why not add an appointment with an audiologist to this schedule so that every aspect of your health is looked after and problems can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

Wear Earplugs Around Loud Noises

If you work in a loud environment, such as those that use a lot of machinery and power tools or you attend a lot of loud events, like music concerts, you could be putting your hearing at risk. Hearing loss can come about as a result of these loud noises, especially if they are ongoing as opposed to being a singular event.

If you can’t avoid these noises because they are part of your job or because you enjoy the events you go to and they make you happy, the best thing you can do is to wear earplugs or another form of ear defender. This will lessen the impact the noise has on your hearing and should protect you better. Always make sure you are using high-quality earplugs so that you can be sure they are helping as much as possible.

Turn The Volume Down

A lot of people love to listen to music, podcasts and audiobooks through their mobile devices using earbuds. This can be extremely relaxing, and it makes an otherwise boring commute or walk much more interesting. If you look around, you’ll see a lot of people with these listening devices in their ears.

However, there is a downside. If you have the volume too high, you could be damaging your hearing since the earbuds are so close to your eardrums. You might not even notice how high the volume is because, over time, you get used to it. Try to keep the volume under fifty percent, and when you are in a quieter area, turn it down to reflect that. In other words, only have the volume up higher if you truly can’t hear what you’re listening to.

Don’t Use Cotton Swabs

People have been using cotton swabs to remove earwax and clean their ears for a long time, and you might assume that this is actually what they are designed to do. That’s not the case at all, and in reality, no matter what the assumption is, these swabs should never be inserted into the ear – and neither should anything else come to that.

The issue is that although cotton swabs might seem to be removing plenty of earwax, this is only part of the story and there is plenty more they aren’t removing. In fact, they could be pushing this extra earwax deeper into the ear, and this can potentially cause damage to the eardrum and ear canal – this will lead to hearing loss.

If you feel you have wax buildup in your ear, the best option is to seek help from an audiologist. Speak to your audiologist for up-to-date advice about what can be done, and always follow their instructions to protect your hearing health.

Keep Your Ears Dry

Have you ever felt as though you had water in your ear after swimming or bathing? If you felt it, it’s likely that’s exactly the issue, and water in the ear canal can lead to infections because it allows bacteria to sit and thrive within the ear itself. Try to keep your ears as dry as possible, and when you can’t, make sure you tilt your head to each side until you feel the water has gone. You can also wear earplugs when you enter the water, which will protect your ears even more.

For more information about how to maintain good hearing health, please don’t hesitate to contact the experts at the Hearing Wellness Centre at (844) 663-9433.

Tags: hearing health tips