When you notice that you are squinting, you go to your eye doctor for a checkup and get your eyes thoroughly examined to determine whether there is an issue. When you have a flu that takes your sense of smell or taste, you go to your primary care physician to get help for a specific, care-related issue. Why don’t we see the audiologist in the same fashion? The answer is because most people don’t actually realize that they are dealing with a hearing issue – until many years after the issue has started. They don’t notice that their TV volume has crept higher and higher, and they don’t notice that they need an annual hearing test after a certain age. With that in mind, here are some of the reasons that a hearing test with an expert audiologist is a must.

Hearing Loss is Gradual

As we mentioned, most people with hearing loss do not realize it for a long time. Hearing loss isn’t always immediate unless it’s to do with a head injury or a specific hearing related issue. You get a physical every year to keep track of your health and that should be enough of a reason to seek out the help of an audiologist, too. Monitoring your hearing health is a must, especially if you notice the following:

  • You’re struggling to listen to others on the phone
  • You experience issues with your hearing in busy environments
  • You have to ask people to repeat themselves to you.
  • You strain to hear others
  • You find it hard to determine where sounds are coming from
  • You feel that voices seem muffled.
  • Some pitches feel unobtainable to you
  • You need people to face you while they’re talking
  • The volume on your devices is creeping up
  • You experience buzzing or ringing in your ears
  • You withdraw from social settings so that you can avoid any embarrassment

Untreated Hearing Loss Can Affect Your Happiness

No one wants to compromise their own happiness, right? Do you need an annual hearing test? Yes, if you want to understand your hearing loss and treat it effectively! You need to remember that people of any age can be affected by hearing loss and whether that’s because of concert noise levels or sporting events, you need to be aware of what could affect it! Considering the statistics for your age group is also so important because just because you are middle aged doesn’t mean that you won’t be affected! Untreated hearing loss can also affect your overall health. It has been linked to things like dementia and heart disease, Alzheimer’s and more. Depression and sleep apnea are also causes of hearing loss, and this can lead to brain shrinkage, which you could really do without.

Your Earning Power Can Dip

Struggling with the bills? Well, untreated hearing loss can dip your chance to earn more money and it could cause you more stress in the workplace than is necessary. If you work in an environment that requires you to be vigilant about safety especially, you need to ensure that you can hear your colleagues and those safety warnings that will be coming through. You need to ensure that you are able to work as safely and happily as possible, which means that you also need to book your appointment with an audiologist.

Personal Relationships Can Suffer

When you cannot hear well, you will likely stop asking people to repeat themselves, withdraw into yourself and stop interacting with friends and family. Take the initiative to book an appointment with your hearing loss audiologist so that you can be on top of what’s happening and when. Taking early action to address the hearing loss you are experiencing will be life changing. Using hearing aids can improve your brain function and combatting those personal and professional setbacks will be the result. The sooner you are aware of any hearing loss, the better. You can take action and find the correct solution for you, and your annual hearing test at Hearing Wellness Centre will help. Annual hearing tests will give you the peace of mind that you need that you are doing it all and you are doing it right. Maintaining your quality of life should be a priority for you and whether you think you have hearing loss or you are due hearing checks, calling the Hearing Wellness Centre on this phone number: (844) 663-9433 is the best thing that you can do today.