Those who are dealing with mild hearing loss will often think they have ignored all of their symptoms. The reality is that mild hearing loss is often not caught up with for years; and that’s because it can be difficult to spot without professional testing! It’s a common misconception that mild hearing loss won’t benefit from hearing tests but this is something you should consider carefully. Prevention helps to prolong your hearing, and while it cannot always be fixed entirely, you could benefit from better hearing for longer if you have a hearing test with an expert audiologist.

Some people are not aware that they have hearing problems until they are left to deal with very loud televisions and the sudden realization that they cannot hear their friends in a crowd! Mild hearing loss can be quite deceptive; you don’t think anything is necessarily wrong but your audiologist tells you something different. Understanding mild hearing loss will help you to determine whether or not you need to get that much-needed hearing test.

Most people with a mild hearing issue may hear a conversation one on one quite well, but in a noisier and more crowded environment, that can become very difficult. They may even need to see the face of the person they’re speaking to so that they can interpret the words being spoken more effectively.

Causes of Mild Hearing Loss

There are so many things that can trigger a mild hearing loss, and those include things like ageing and exposure to louder noise. There are also some medical conditions that can be the cause of mild hearing loss, even head injuries or Meniere’s Disease could be the cause. Some people who are dealing with a mild hearing loss do so because they have infections or issues in their inner ear. There are plenty of reasons that mild hearing loss could occur but until you have a hearing test or speak to an audiologist, you may not get too many answers.

How Hearing Aids Help

Do you really need a hearing aid for mild hearing loss? Probably, yes! Those with mild hearing loss will greatly benefit from hearing aids – even when the hearing loss is minor. It may not be restorative, but it’s something that you can use as a tool to support your hearing in the best possible way. It’s designed to amplify those sounds you’re hearing and modern hearing aids have the benefit of technology like no other hearing aids.

Hearing aids can allow you to hear the quieter sounds that your mild hearing loss may be blocking out. If you’re missing the sounds of birds chirping or music without guessing what the noise is, then hearing aids would be an excellent option for you. Hearing aids also work to improve your confidence and allow you to be more social.

Hearing loss can lead to social isolation because when you cannot hear your friends, you cannot join the conversation. Instead of retreating into yourself, you have to look at all of the ways in which you can use hearing aids to keep you out there with friends and family. Modern hearing aids can be fitted with newer technologies to enable you to connect them to your mobile phone or tablet, and you can even connect them to sound bars, allowing you to clearly enjoy sounds filtered directly into your ears.

Benefits of Hearing Aids

If vanity is a worry for you when dealing with mild hearing loss – and you wouldn’t be alone in that worry – it’s a good idea to consider the benefits of using them. You might forget how to listen to some sounds, as this is what happens to the brain. Instead of worrying about that, consider that you can better adapt to your environment when you have hearing aids to support you. You could also cope better with mild hearing loss knowing you won’t need to worry about things like dementia developing.

Hearing loss is associated with social isolation but you can avoid that by seeking help. If you are worrying about mild hearing loss, then you need to speak to our expats today. With experience and discretion our audiologists will work with you to bring your hearing back to its best as quickly as possible. Call our team today at the Hearing Wellness Centre on this phone number: (844) 663-9433. We’re here for you to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident with your new hearing aids.

Tags: faqs, hearing aid basics