Did you know that it can take up to 16 weeks for you to get used to your hearing aids? You may notice a couple of small changes from the start, but you have to be patient. If you have some questions or some concerns about your hearing aids, then you need to try and consult an audiologist. Hearing aids often need to be adjusted many times during the initial trial period. This is very much a team effort, so don’t be afraid to speak up.

Be Realistic

Remember that hearing loss is gradual and that over the years, your ability to hear certain frequencies will diminish. You may find that sounds in the spectrum often blend in with the normal sounds of the environment. This can include traffic, wind noise and even the hum of machinery. If you want to make the most out of your hearing aid, then you need to make sure that you work with your audiologist so you know the results you can expect in your first few weeks.

Make Sure You Practice

When you start to wear hearing aids, the sounds will be restored, but your brain will need a lot of time to practice. This will help you to re-educate yourself so that you can focus and then re-filter sounds. Some sounds may startle or shock you at first, but you need to know that your brain will acclimate to them over time.

Have Patience

It takes a lot of time for you to adjust to your hearing aids. Although it can be tempting to take them out, you need to try and wear them as much as possible. This will help you to become way more skilled at being able to recognize the sound direction. It will also help you to learn which setting is the best for you, in different situations.

Take Time to Rest

The adjustment period can be fatiguing because you will be retraining your muscles. You will also be using muscles that have not been used in quite some time. The benefits will be worth it after you have been able to get through this period. Getting hearing aids to treat your hearing loss is a very important step but it is not the finish line. You will need to make sure that you put in the time, patience and commitment.

Have a Positive Attitude

You need to make sure that you have a positive attitude when it comes to your hearing aids. Buying hearing aids does not mean that everything will be perfect overnight. If you want to overcome your hearing loss, then you need to have determination and you also need to know that there will be a bit of a journey ahead of you. Your audiologist will be able to work with you over time, so make sure that you keep this in mind if possible.

Educate Yourself

The more you know about the adjustment period, the more you can participate in the adjustment itself. Hearing requires far more than just your ears. It’s a very complex function that requires your brain and your other senses to cooperate with each other. Give yourself some slack and also be patient, as it will help you greatly in the future.

Read About Auditory Confusion

When you first start to use your hearing aids, your brain will receive signals that it has been missing for quite some time. This can include environmental noise or high-frequency sounds. You need to become familiar, and you also need to adjust your expectations. If you can re-acclimate your brain to true sound, then this will really help you, but it can be challenging. That being said, your perception will absolutely increase over time and the true sounds of everyday life will be introduced slowly. To begin with, all the sounds around you will sound loud. You will need to adjust yourself to the sound of the telephone, the noise of your clothes rustling when you walk or even the hum of your fridge. These sounds will gradually become part of your subconscious if you can give your brain the chance to acclimatize itself. If you want to make sure that you are giving yourself the chance to really help yourself, then you need to work with a good audiologist. If you need some help with that then contact the Hearing Wellness Centre. You can call us on (844) 663-9433 and when you do, they can then help you with the entire process.